Dear Parents and Guardians,
In the Spring, Badger High School will begin administering the Ohio’s end-of-course exams per the ODE scheduled windows. The state end-of course exams are often referred to as EOC tests (End of Course Exams). All students in courses with an EOC test are required by the Ohio Department of Education to take the exams. EOC tests do provide the classes of 2023 and beyond a graduation requirement option. To meet this graduation option, a student must earn a minimum of 684 on the ELA II and Algebra I EOC. If students score 3-5 on the Biology EOC students will earn the Science Seal. If students score a 3-5 on both the US History and US Government EOC they will earn the Citizenship Seal.
New information for graduating classes 2023 and beyond
Badger High School Testing Schedule for 2022-2023
- April 15, 2025 Part I
- April 16, 2025 Part II
- Math
- April 29, 2025 Part I & II
- Science
- April 30, 2025 Part I & II
- Social Studies
- May 1, 2025 Part I & II
Sample Test Items and Practice Tests
Frequently Asked Questions:
How long do EOC tests take?
Each EOC test has 2 parts given over 1-2 days. Each part is between 90 and 105 minutes long.
What is the format of each test?
All the tests will be given online. The only exception is students with an IEP or 504 will follow their appropriate accommodations.
How do I know which tests my child must take?
EOC tests are given in the areas of English 10, Algebra 1, Geometry, US History, Government and Biology.
*Do ALL students in CCP courses need to take the test?
Students who are enrolled in CCP Science or Social Studies equivalent classes courses; do NOT have to take the EOC test. CCP course grades translate to these graduation points: A-B in a Science Course will earn the Science Seal. A-B in Social Studies(2 Classes) will earn the Citizenship Seal. Students enrolled in CCP Math and ELA courses will need to take the EOC test.
What if my child previously took one of those courses, but didn’t take an end-of-course test?
These tests were rolled out during the 2014-2015 academic year. There are many reasons why a student may not have taken an EOC test for a course they took. The Ohio Department of Education has guidelines on how each situation is handled. These are explained on their website here.
What should students bring to EOC testing?
Each student should bring at least two #2 pencils, sharpened and their calculator (only for math tests). Students will not be permitted to have cell phones, laptops, tablets or other wireless devices during testing. Devices will be collected before testing and returned at 9:50 a.m. The items below are optional but encouraged:
- CHARGED school issues laptop (with charging cord for emergencies)
- an eraser
- a watch
- bottled water
- a calculator for Algebra 1 & Geometry
- reading material for after testing (NO school textbooks)
What kind of calculator can a student use?
Ti-73 Explorer, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus –Series, TI-NSpire, TI-NSpire CX, Casio fx-9750GII, fx-9860GII, fx-CG10 PRIZM. Some Scientific Calculators are allowed as well. Have your math teacher confirm your calculator well before testing day. Prohibited graphing calculator functions and features are those with CAS features, tablets, laptops, PDA’s or phone based calculators and those with “QWERTY” keyboards. Student issued calculators from BHS are acceptable!
How should students prepare for EOC tests?
Teachers have embedded AIR test preparation into their course content. The best preparation a student has is active participation in class throughout the school year. To maximize their performance we encourage students to get a full night’s sleep and eat breakfast before their scheduled AIR test. Free Breakfast for all students on day of testing!
What if my student is sick or absent on a testing day?
There is a limited number of days to make-up missed tests. Any students absent during testing day will be given a date, time and location to take their make-up tests.
Who do I contact if I have additional questions about EOC testing?
Andrea Steiner, District Testing Coordinator
330-876-2800 EXT: 405
Raeanne Abramovich, High School Counselor
330-876-2800 EXT: 303