Title IV: Safe and Drug Free Schools
In accordance with Ohio Department of Education requirements, Joseph Badger School District is notifying the community of our intent to submit our Title IV Safe and Drug Free Schools funding application.
The Joseph Badger School District is a member of the Trumbull Student Assistance Consortium (TSAC). Through the consortium, we utilize Title IV Safe and Drug Free School funds to provide prevention/intervention programs addressing: truancy, alcohol and drugs, tobacco, and anger management. These education-based programs are available to any student in our district at no cost to parents. To receive additional information about these programs, contact the school or contact TSAC at (330) 505-2800.
In addition to these programs, the consortium utilizes Safe and Drug Free School funds to provide:
- Evidence based violence, alcohol, tobacco and other drug (V/ATOD) prevention curriculum to students.
- V/ATOD topic related staff development and information materials to our teachers and staff
- Individual student specific V/ATOD intervention services
- V/ATOD prevention speakers and presentations to our students
- V/ATOD prevention materials to parents and community members.
This consortium assists Joseph Badger School District in remaining active in Trumbull County prevention planning, tying our programming to county efforts and collaborating to create safe and drug free school environments for our students.
Ohio’s new school safety tip line –gives your students, parents, teachers and school administrators a way to anonymously report student safety threats to school officials and law enforcement officers –whether they involve a potential incident of mass violence, a suicide threat or the bullying of a single student. 844-SaferOH